In this section

Respite referral process

How can I get a referral for respite care?

Before an offer of respite care can be made, a Mosaic assessment and support plan must be provided by an Adult Care or Health Worker, along with a completed referral form. We will also have a verbal conversation about the prospective new Service User and their needs.

This also includes any Continuing Health Funded Service Users - all referrals to Respite Services have to initially come through Adult Care and Support; we are unable to accept direct referrals at this time.

If we are able to support the individual, we will then make arrangements to introduce them and their family or carers to the service through a phased approach. For example a visit to view the service, a stay for tea or a social event followed by building up to an overnight experience to a planned longer stay. 

It is vital that we have as much information and detail around the support needs, wishes, individual choices and preferences as possible from the outset. This helps us to determine our ability to meet these requirements or not.

If you have any questions, or want to find out more, email us on