Here are some of the things our clients say about using our Tech Enabled Care service:

the service is excellent“I installed a lifeline at my mums home yesterday and just wanted to feedback to say what a positive experience it was for her. The gentleman who took our test calls at the call-centre gave us advice and was so engaging and reassuring, we really couldn’t have asked for a was a nicer person. After the stress of the last 3 weeks I could have reached down the phone and given him a big hug. Just wanted to feedback such brilliant customer service”

“The service I have received has been wonderful I am very satisfied with everything. You were the ones I was told to have I'm quite happy with everything. Thank you.”

great service“Would not change anything, I am happy for your service at all times, always courteous”

“The service you give is excellent”

“Because Lifeline is the best, a lot of people use you”

“it is a very good service which meets our needs”

“Don’t change a thing”

 If you would like to get in touch email: or call 0300 7900603. Alternatively fill out our form below and a member of our TEC team will be in touch.

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