
Changes that will be happening over the next couple of months in Corserv. Corserv Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cornwall Council announces today that Peter Andrew MBE will be stepping down from his role as Chair of the Board and Cath Robinson retires from her position as CEO.

Chair of the Board Peter Andrew MBE steps down

Peter Andrew MBE will leave the Corserv Group at the end of March after five years in the role.  Pete has chaired the Corserv Group which includes Cormac, Cornwall Airport Newquay, Corserv Care and Corserv Facilities, steering the companies through the challenges of the pandemic and most recently ensuring a successful company restructure which leaves a single company with a clear commercial strategy. 

Councillor Richard Williams-Pears, Portfolio Holder for Transport and Chair of the Shareholder Board, said: "Peter has made a valuable contribution to Corserv since his appointment in September 2019. He has successfully led the Board through the transformation programme and Covid whilst helping to rebuild the business. On behalf of the Council, I thank him for his substantial contribution to the business. We are advancing our search for a new Chair and will make an announcement in due course."

Pending the appointment of a new permanent Chair, the Council has confirmed the appointment of Julia Gregory as Interim Chair. She is currently the Senior Independent Director (SID). Anthony Byrne will step up as Interim SID. These appointments are effective from 1 April 2024 and on the appointment of the new permanent Chair, each of them will revert to their prior Board position.


Cath Robinson retires after 41 years of Public Service in CornwallCath Robinson

After 41 years of dedicated public service in Cornwall, Cath Robinson, Chief Executive (CEO) at Corserv Solutions Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cornwall Council, has announced her decision to retire at the end of June 2024.

Cath became the CEO of Corserv in March 2018 and has led the company over the last 6 years. Prior to this Cath was the Chief Operating Officer at Cornwall Council having risen through the organisation since joining them from the age of 16, when she started her training as an accountant.

Pete Andrew MBE, Chair of the Board of Corserv Ltd, said: “During her tenure at Corserv, Cath has been instrumental in leading and transforming the company and its subsidiaries to improve performance and efficiency of its operations whilst delivering services to the community of Cornwall. We wish Cath the very best in her retirement from executive life and her future.”

Cath said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed leading the Corserv Group through all of the challenges we have faced. For myself the true value of the group of companies was seen when we all worked collectively together to ensure that the G7 Summit was a success in 2021 culminating in the world leaders landing at Cornwall Airport Newquay. I will miss everyone, but it is time for me to seek out new interests and opportunities. I wish everyone the very best and know that I am leaving behind a strong team.”

Kate Kennally, Chief Executive of Cornwall Council, said: “On behalf of colleagues at Cornwall Council, we wish Cath a happy retirement. Cath has had a long career of public service in Cornwall of over 40 years, starting as a trainee with Cornwall County Council on its first ever youth training scheme. Cath has broken through a number of glass ceilings, working her way of through the ranks to become the Council’s Chief Operating Officer and Director of Finance before moving to Corserv to be the Group Managing Director in 2018. Cath was part of the team within Cornwall County Council that led the work to establish Cornwall Council as a unitary authority in 2009 - a complex undertaking to bring seven councils into one - and since being at Corserv has steered the group through Covid to bring forward for agreement in 2023 a new ambitious, commercially focused business plan rooted in delivering great services for Cornwall.  Thank you, Cath, for what you have achieved and best wishes for the future.”

The Corserv Board has commenced the process to recruit a new CEO for Corserv, to ensure a smooth transition between Cath and the new CEO.